Henrietta acquired a George Wood mechanical floor loom from the 1950s in 2022 from Chelsea College of Art, but it was missing key parts and those which pre-existed, were made up of a few combined looms which were numbered accordingly. There are around 320 looms in existence and only a handful of them are in working order. She refurbished, repaired and recreated the existing parts and missing pieces which are no longer manufactured. A year and a half later the loom is up and running at her studio.
It has a maximum weaving width of up to 900mm with any desired length, sixteen shafts and two beams, perfect for large-scale projects and bespoke commission pieces.
She has a second Harris floor loom which was passed down to her.
The loom has a maximum weaving width of up to 700mm with any desired length, four shafts and one beam, suitable for sampling and small-scale bespoke commission pieces.